Nolan Perroni, P.C.

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Nolan | Perroni wins Corrections Arbitration over Settlement Agreement - Instructive Decision for Labor Representatives

NP Attorney Gary Nolan recently won an important arbitration case on behalf of NEPBA Local 550, the Worcester County Sheriff's Correctional Officers Association. The employer has on multiple occasions attempted to prevent the member from having his termination case heard on the merits. This NEPBA win allows the member's case to finally go forward.

The decision is interesting, particularly for those labor leaders who negotiate settlement agreements with employers, as the arbitrator sets forth important drafting concerns and legal obligations of the parties to such an agreement. NP and the NEPBA have worked hard to get this Local 550 member his day in court - in addition to this arbitration win, the union has also defeated the employer's Superior Court attempt to stop the case in its tracks.