Nolan Perroni, P.C.

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NPH Lawyers Win Vacation Benefits Case: Labor Board relies on recent NH Supreme Court precedent in case also won by NPH

On December 23, 2014, the NH Public Employee Relations Board ruled in favor of the Goffstown Police Union, NEPBA Local 24, in a case litigated by NPH Attorneys Peter Perroni and Meghan Cooper.  The dispute involved the Town’s refusal to pay additional vacation due officers, based on additional years of service; the Town claimed that because the parties were in the hiatus period between contracts, it had no obligation to pay theincreased vacation benefits.  The Board disagreed, and adopted almost entirely the arguments advanced by NPH in the hearing and post-hearing briefs.

This is the second so-called “status quo doctrine” case won recently by NPH lawyers.   Significantly, the PELRB in this case relied on the recent NH Supreme Court precedent in the other case won by Attorney’s Perroni and Cooper, Appeal of Strafford County Sheriff’s Office, (No. 2013-506)(November 13, 2014).

NPH is proud to be squarely in the mix in the fight to advance the wages and benefits of law enforcement and union members in general.

To read the decision, click below:

29 Order 2014-277, 12-23-14